ISMIL 27 + ISBL 1 Program

ISMIL 27 and ISBL 1 will be held jointly. ISMIL 27 will take place June 5-6 2024, and ISBL 1 will take place June 6-7 2024. On June 6, there will be a joint session on Malayic languages of Borneo.

The following schedule is subject to minor changes. All times shown below are in Singapore Time (SGT).

Last updated: May 28, 2024

Wednesday, 5 June 2024 (SGT): ISMIL Day 1

Location: NUS Block AS8, room 04-01

8:30-9:00: Registration.

9:00-9:15: Opening remarks.

9:15-10:15: INVITED TALK – Nala Lee (National University of Singapore). Language endangerment and its socio-structural consequences in Baba Malay.

10:15-10:30: BREAK.

10:30-12:00: SESSION 1

12:00-1:15: LUNCH.

1:15-2:45: SESSION 2

2:45-3:15: COFFEE BREAK.

3:15-4:15: INVITED TALK – Hiroki Nomoto (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies). MALINDO Conc: Its development and use in linguistics, language teaching and NLP.

4:15-4:30: BREAK.

4:30-6:00: SESSION 3

Thursday, 6 June 2024 (SGT): ISMIL Day 2 + Joint ISMIL/ISBL Session

Location: NUS Block AS7, room 01-02 (NOTE: different building than Day 1)

9:00-10:30: SESSION 4

10:30-10:45: BREAK.

10:45-11:45: INVITED TALK – Bradley McDonnell (University of Hawai’i at Manoa). Choosing fillers.

11:45-1:00: LUNCH.

1:00-2:00: SESSION 5

2:30-3:00: COFFEE BREAK.

3:00-4:30: SESSION 6 (Joint ISMIL/ISBL)

4:30-4:45: BREAK.

4:45-5:45: INVITED TALK – Roselind Wan (Curtin University Malaysia). PRESERVING ASEN: ​Language documentation of Kayan Baram, Malaysian Borneo​.


Friday, 7 June 2024 (SGT): ISBL

Location: NUS Block AS8, room 04-01 (same room as ISMIL Day 1)

9:00-10:30: SESSION 1

10:30-10:45: BREAK.

10:45-11:45: INVITED TALK – Charlotte Hemmings (University of Oxford). Syntactic choices and information structure in northern Sarawak.

11:45-1:00: LUNCH.

1:00-2:30: SESSION 2

2:30-3:00: COFFEE BREAK.

3:00-4:30: SESSION 3

4:30-4:45: Closing remarks.

5:00-7:00: DINNER + DRINKS (informal).