Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia will host the International Symposium on the Languages of Java (ISLOJ 10) on June 4-5, 2025.

Invited Speakers
- Misnadin (Universitas Trunojoyo)
- Nina Setyaningsih (Universitas Dian Nuswantoro)
The island of Java is home to several major world languages. Javanese—spoken mainly in Central and East Java— is among the world’s most widely spoken languages in number of native speakers. It has one of the oldest and fullest recorded histories of any Austronesian language. It also has been of considerable interest to scholars because of its unique speech level system. Sundanese—spoken in West Java— has over 27 million speakers, and Madurese—spoken on the neighboring island of Madura and throughout parts of East Java— is the third largest local language, with up to 13 million speakers. Geography, history, and typology bind these languages with linguistically related languages on the neighboring islands to the east, Bali, where Balinese is spoken, and Lombok, where Sasak is spoken, each by about 3 million speakers. Each of these languages displays a range of dialects, isolects, continua, and contact varieties and yet they have received relatively little attention from linguists. With this symposium, we offer an opportunity for scholars working on any aspect of Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Balinese, Sasak, or any non-Malay language spoken on these islands, to come together and share their findings. We aim to encourage and promote continued research on these important and unique languages.
Important Dates
Extended Deadline for submission of abstracts: 10 January 2025 –> 31 January 2025
Notification: March 1, 2025
Conference: June 4-5, 2025
Other conferences in Indonesia
- AFLA 32 (Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association) 2-4 June Jakarta, Atma Jaya Univ.
- ISMIL (International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics) 9-10 June Bali
- SEALS 34 (The Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society) 11-13 June Bali
- KIMLI (Linguistics Association of Indonesia) 16-18 July
- Jozina Vander Klok (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Nurenzia Yannuar (Universitas Negeri Malang)
- Yanti (Atma Jaya Katholik Universitas)
- Thomas J. Conners