Guidelines for Online Participants and Presenters

Welcome to the ISMIL/ISLOJ, and thank you for joining us virtually!

This conference will be in a hybrid modality, which may be a new experience for some participants. These guides are intended to help online participants and presenters navigate this new format.

If you are looking for information on a specific topic, please see the Guide Contents below. Click the link to go to the relevant page section.

Guide Contents

  1. Online Participant Guidelines
  2. Presenter Guidelines
    • Virtual Paper Presenters
    • Recording and Uploading Your Presentation

Online Participant Guidelines

The conference schedule can be found on Sched (link coming in May), which can be accessed either on your computer or mobile device. Descriptions of and Zoom links to all sessions can be found on Sched. 

All plenary and paper sessions will be available to in-person and virtual participants. In-person presenters will give their talks live, which will be broadcasted through Zoom simultaneously. Virtual presentations will be pre-recorded and played for the live audience of both in-person and virtual participants, followed by a synchronous question-answer period with the presenter through Zoom. 

To ask a question, please use the chat box on Zoom. Presenters may answer your question during the live playing of their talk, or your question may be addressed during the following 10-minute Q&A period. Please be aware that in-person participants will also be asking questions, which will also be coordinated by the Session Chair. 

Presenter Guidelines

Virtual Paper Presenters

Before the conference

Virtual paper presenters will need to submit the following to ISMIL/ISLOJ by May 14, 2023:

  1. A 20 minute video file (see Recording and Uploading Your Presentation)
  2. A caption file (highly recommended)

Submit your presentation recording (and captions) here

Attendees will be able to access your video file via links in the Sched program one week prior to the conference. It is important that you submit your materials by the deadline, or else we may not be able to make your talk available in time for people to watch the video. If you would like to share your presentation slides with attendees, you may post them to your session in Sched in PDF, Powerpoint, or Google Slides format.

Your video presentation should be no more than 20 minutes in length. Providing a caption file is not required, but strongly recommended. Doing so will make your presentation more accessible to attendees.

On the day of your presentation
  1. Your 30-minute assigned talk period, which will be hosted via Zoom. The link for this Zoom session will be posted on Sched, alongside the link to your recorded talk as well as your slides, if you provide them. 
  2. Conference attendees will have two opportunities to access your talk: the first is the pre-recorded video, which can be viewed in advance. The second will be a live playing of that same recording at the scheduled time of your talk. This live playing will take up the first 20 minutes of your 30-minute time slot in the conference schedule and will be visible to both in-person as well as virtual attendees.
  3. Please join the Zoom session 5-10 minutes before the start of your 30-minute session. This will give you a chance to test your microphone and to introduce yourself to the Session Chair. This is important because we want to make sure that any technical problems are addressed before the start of your talk.
  4. At the scheduled time for your talk, the moderators within Zoom will announce the start of your talk and will inform attendees that the first 20 minutes of the session will comprise a live playing of your video recorded talk. 
  5. During the live playing of your talk, attendees will be able to post questions in the Zoom chat box, which you should plan to respond to. This gives you the opportunity to get additional feedback from attendees, beyond just the subsequent 10-minute Q/A period. 
  6. Upon completion of the live playing of the talk, we will open the floor up to live questions from the in-person and virtual audience. 
  7. The Session Chair will coordinate the Q & A period, selecting in-person and virtual attendees to ask questions. In-person questions will be asked from the microphone in the conference room. Virtual questions will be taken by the Session Chair. The person asking the question will be asked to unmute themselves and switch their cameras on so you will be able to see and hear them. You can answer both kinds of questions as you like, after which the Session Chair will move on to the next question.
After your talk

Once your presentation is done, your video will remain available as an unlisted video on our conference YouTube channel for one year after the conference. Please note that we will not be recording the Q&A sessions. If you wish to have your video hidden or removed, please let us know. We will also encourage audience members to contact you with further questions and discussion, which can be done independently, or at one of the social gatherings we will have. We encourage you to attend the other talks both before and after your talk, and we hope you will find ISMIL/ISLOJ to be exciting, novel, and informative.

Recording and Uploading Your Presentation

The deadline for video submissions is May 14, 2023. Your virtual paper presentation must be pre-recorded. You may record yourself using any platform you would like. (See recommendations for recording below.)

Please make sure that your talk is no longer than 20 minutes. Your video must be in .mp4 or .mov format, and your file must not be larger than 10 GB.

Recommendations for making a recording:

We strongly recommend that you record your presentation in Zoom, using Share Screen to show your slides, keeping the speakers in a panel on the right. Another option is to share your slides as a virtual background (see instructions on the Zoom website).

If you are recording your presentation with Zoom, we recommend that you check the “Enable HD” and “Optimize for 3rd party video editor” options.

  • Start Video at the bottom left corner >> Video Settings >> Video tab >> My Video: Enable HD
  • Start Video at the bottom left corner >> Video Settings >> Recording tab >> Optimize for 3rd party video editor
Guidelines for creating a subtitle file for your video:

If you are recording in Zoom and have cloud recording available, you can also use Zoom (version 5.9.3 or later) to create subtitles for your video. Note that if you do not have cloud recording available and turned on, your file will not save as a VTT file and you will have to do the conversion to VTT yourself. If you do not have cloud recording with your Zoom account (only for pro or licensed accounts), you may wish to use another service, like YouTube, to make your captions.

To create subtitles using Zoom, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings, click on the Recording tab and make sure the save closed caption as a VTT file box is checked. Then go to Meeting, and then in Meeting (Advanced) make sure that allow live transcription service to transcribe meeting automatically is also turned on.
  2. Start your meeting.
  3. Click live transcription, and then enable auto-transcription.
  4. Your transcription file will download automatically alongside your video file.
  5. Open up your transcription file in any text editor (such as notepad for windows and textedit for mac) and edit your captions.

If you would like to create your captions using YouTube’s caption function, here are the steps:

  1. Sign in to YouTube Studio with a YouTube account [you can create one or sign-in with your Google account].
  2. From top right, click create then select upload video.
  3. Select the video file you want to upload. Your video will now upload into your account.
  4. Once your video is uploaded, YouTube will require that you check the necessary boxes, follow the instructions. Then under “age restrictions (advanced)”, click on show more. Scroll down to language and captions certificate, and in the video language tab, select English.
  5. Then select next to proceed. At this point, you have two options:
    • RECOMMENDED: We recommend you proceed to the next screen, and when prompted under “Visibility,” select Private or Unlisted. YouTube will then generate auto-captions (this may take several hours depending on the length of the video). Once the auto-captions are generated, you can then select the Video, click on Details, then select Subtitles, and select “Duplicate and Edit.” Here you can edit the spelling and other details of the auto-captions (DO NOT submit without editing). Once you are finished editing, click SAVE.
    • You can also type all of your captions by hand. To do that, under video elements, click on Add subtitles. On the page that shows up, click auto-sync, and that will open a caption box for you to type all that you say in the video and after the system will automatically match what you say with the time stamp in the video.
  6. Once your captions are saved, go back to the subtitle page and click on the three dots next to Edit text and then Download to download the subtitles. Note that the three dots do not appear unless you hover over the video entry.

To download your video itself from YouTube, follow these steps:

  1. From the left panel in YouTube studio, select Content.
  2. Place your cursor over the video you’d like to download, select menu, and then download.

If you do not want to use YouTube, you may also check out PowerPoint also has auto-captioning functions. You can convert .txt files from Zoom to .vtt using converter apps or websites. ISMIL/ISLOJ does not endorse any online or application based .txt to .vtt conversion services.