The Twenty-Sixth
(ISMIL 26)
18-19 May 2023
Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, USA
Papers presented at ISMIL are concerned with the Malay/Indonesian language in any of its varieties. In addition to the standardized versions of Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia, papers are particularly welcome dealing with non-canonical isolects such as regional dialects of Malay and Indonesian, contact varieties, and other closely related Malayic languages. Papers may be in any of the subfields of linguistics, and may represent variegated approaches and diverse theoretical persuasions. Presentations at ISMIL are delivered in English.
The keynote speaker for the both the ISMIL and ISLOJ conferences will be Dwi Noverini Djenar of the University of Sydney. There will also be a special joint session on m/Minimalism in ISMIL/ISLOJ Languages featuring keynote speakers Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland, College Park) and Eva Wittenberg (Central European University).
Thanks to support from the National Science Foundation (BCS#1921334), we will be able to offer some travel funding for students as well as scholars from developing countries.
Anonymous one-page abstracts (data and references may be on a second page) should be submitted in electronic form (PDF and MSWord) to David Gil at the following address:
gil AT shh.mpg.de
Please indicate your name, affiliation, and title of abstract in the body of the email. Please also indicate if you would like to participate in the special session on m/Minimalism.
Extended Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 January 2023
Notification: 28 February 2023
[Early submissions also possible; notifications will be made within two weeks of receipt of submission.]
Please note that the 9th International Symposium on the Languages of Java (ISLOJ 9) will be held adjacent to ISMIL 26, on 20 May, 2023. Both conferences will take place at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.