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Call for Abstracts

The deadline for submission of abstracts has now expired

We are now issuing a general call for papers. Session length: 45 minutes.

If there is demand for a poster session we will also organise one.

If you are interested in presenting, please send the following information, as an attachment, to <ManokwariPapuanConference AT>

  • Paper or poster?
  • Title
  • Abstract (maximum 200 words)

On a separate attachment, please also send the following information:

  • name(s)
  • institutional affiliation(s)
  • contact details
  • nationality and passport number

(Information regarding nationality and passport number is needed by the workshop organizers well in advance in order to obtain the necessary permits for the workshop. In the case of multiple authorship, this information is required for all but only those authors who plan to actually attend the workshop.)

Deadline for receiving abstracts is

14 August 2009, midnight AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time).

We will contact you about the status of your application by the 14th of September.

Page location:
Page last modified: 27 Jul 2009, Jakarta