[All abstracts can also be downloaded in one zip file]
I Wayan Arka
Australian National University, Canberra / Universitas Udayana, Bali
Projecting Morphology and Agreement in Morori
John Bowden
Max Planck Institute fir Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta
Austronesian - Non-Austronesian Contact in Maluku Utara
Mark Donohue
Australian National University, Canberra
The Sound(s) of Melanesia
Nick Evans
Australian National University, Canberra
Reevaluating Papuan Diversity: The Unsuspected Multiplicity of Southern New Guinea Language Families
Mats Exter
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit�t Bonn
�Realis� and �Irrealis� in Wogeo: A Valid Category?
Bill Foley
University of Sydney
Ideology and Language Change in the Sepik
Michael C. Frank
Massachusetts Institute of Techology, Cambridge / Stanford University
Numerical Cognition in the Absence (or Temporary Unavailability) of Language for Number
Benedicte Frostad
Radboud University, Nijmegen
The Structure, Meaning and Function of Serial Verb Constructions in Ughele
David Gil
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
Austronesian Inheritences, Papuan Substrates, Areal Features and Internal Developments in Roon
Ariel Gutman* and Sara Karubaba�
*�cole Normale Sup�rieure, Paris, �Universitas Negeri Papua, Manokwari
The Pronominal System of the Ambai Language
Harald Hammarstr�m
Chalmers Univeristy, Gothenburg
The Genetic Position of the Mawes Language
Nikolaus Himmelmann
Wesf�lische Wilhelms-Universit�t M�nster / CELD, Universitas Negeri Papua, Manokwari
Prosodic Phrasing and Information Structure
Darja Hoenigman
Australian National University, Canberra
From Mountain Talk to Hidden Talk: Continuity and Change in Awiakay Registers
Gary Holton
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Landscape and Spatial Orientation in Western Pantar (Lamma)
Thomas Honeyman
Australian National University, Canberra
Represented Speech, Thought and Unfulfilled Desires: Constructing Intersubjectivity in Momu, a Language of Papua New Guinea
Tom Conners and Betty Litamahuputty
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Jakarta
WORKSHOP: The Jakarta Lexical Database Project
David Kamholz
University of California, Berkeley
Moor Tonal Phonology
Marian Klamer
Leiden University
Papuan-Austronesian Language Contact in Alor Pantar: Alorese Grammar in Areal Perspective
Helena Lopez Palma
University of A Coru�a
The Relation between Speech and Song in the Vocal Music of New Guinea
John McWhorter
Manhattan Institute, New York
Affixless in Indonesia: The Abnormality of Flores
Mike Moxness
Morphosyntactic Correlates of Reference in Auye
Bill Palmer* and Bethwyn Evans�
*University of Newcastle, NSW, �Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
Contact-Induced Change in Southern Bougainville: Papuan Features in a Grammatically Aberrant Austronesian Subgroup
Ger Reesink
Lessons from Typological Comparison: The Difficulties and Discoveries of a Standardised Approach
Yusuf Sawaki*, Apriani Arilaha�, Sutriani Narfafan� and Alexander Loch�
*Australian National University, Canberra / Universitas Negeri Papua, �Universitas Negeri Papua,
Doing It the Papuan Way: Language Documentation at the CELD in Manokwari
Shiohara, Asako
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Verb Types and Semantic Roles of Person Markers of Kui, Alor
Kenneth Sumbuk
University of Papua New Guinea / James Cook University
Linguistic Training in Papua New Guinea
Tobias Weber
University of Zurich / Universit�t Leipzig
The Verb System of Sentani: An Overview
Carl Whitehead and Pat Whitehead
Towards a Typology of Spatial Deictic Systems in Papuan Languages