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The registration fee for all participants is AUD 100.

You may register either online or in person at the conference venue. We strongly encourage online registration.

Online registration using credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or AmEx) is available at:


Please register by 1 July 2016.

First page: Please enter your institutional affiliation and your full name as you would like them to appear on your conference name tag. Click �buy now�

Second page: You are probably a new customer, so go to the �new customer� box. Fill in the required information. You are required to create an account by nominating a password � choose any password that works for you. Click �proceed� to finalise your registration and payment.

If you have any problems or questions with online registration, please contact Michael Ewing at <mce AT>

Page location:
Page last modified: 6 December 2014, Melbourne