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Electronic advance registration (link at the bottom of this page) will be open until 30 April 2009. The registration fee for both advance registration and on-site registration will be collected at the conference venue and can be paid in rupiah or in US dollars. We regret that we can only accept cash. The following fee schedule will apply:

  ISMIL (advance registration) ISMIL (on-site registration) ISMIL & ISLOJ (advance registration) ISMIL & ISLOJ (on-site registration)
General 90 100 160 180
Indonesian citizen (with ID) 70 80 120 140
International student (with ID) 60 70 100 120
Indonesian student (with ID) 45 55 70 90

All fees are in US dollars. Given the recent volatility of the rupiah exchange rate, the fees in rupiah will be calculated and announced on the opening day of the conference.

The registration fee will cover the following:

  • All conference materials
  • Twice daily refreshments
  • Buffet lunch
A gala conference dinner with a traditional Sasak dance performance for ISMIL and ISLOJ participants will be held on the night of June 5. The dinner will be sponsored by the organizers for no additional fee.

To access the electronic advance registration form, please click here [NOW CLOSED].

If the form is offline, please register by sending an email to Diana Safitri <diana AT> listing the following details: full name, institution, department, and country of citizenship.

Page location:
Page last modified: 10 Jun 2009, Leipzig