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(The times indicated below are tentative, and are provided for preliminary planning purposes only. Some adjustments may be made once the programme is finalized in April 2005.)

Wednesday, 27 July
0800 - 0830 Registration
0830 - 0900 Opening ceremony
0900 - 1730 Paper presentations

Thursday, 28 July
0830 - 1200 Paper presentations
1330 - 1500 Panel discussion
1530 - 1630 Paper presentations
1700 - Lakeside banquet

Friday, 29 July
0830 - 1530 Paper presentations
1600 - 1630 Closing ceremony

Saturday, 30 July
0900 - Excursion

Adjacent Events
ISMIL 9 will be preceded by other events of potential interest to ISMIL participants.

The Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (Linguistics Society of Indonesia) will hold its triennial meeting in Padang, on 18-21 July, ending around midday on the 21st. Although this conference is traditionally held in Indonesian, the possibility is currently being explored of holding the last few sessions in English. Some information on this meeting is available here (mostly in Indonesian).

The Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT) will hold its 6th biennial meeting in Padang, on 21-25 July, beginning around midday on the 21st. In particular, the afternoon of the 21st and the morning of the 22nd will be devoted to a workshop on the languages of Sumatra. For further information, visit the ALT 6 website.

Page location:
Page last modified: 30 June 2005, Jakarta