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Friday, April 21, 2006
0900 - 0930Registration
0930 - 0945Opening Remarks
 Invited Talk
0945 - 1030Phonological structure of Indonesian abbreviations "singkatan"
Abigail Cohn
1030 - 1100Refreshments
SESSION 1:Syntax
1100 - 1130Phrase-Based Account of Extraction in Indonesian
Edith Aldridge
1130 - 1200Variation in Control into Subordinate Clauses in Indonesian
Catherine R. Fortin
1200 - 1230Voice in Malay/Indonesian
Peter Cole and Gabriella Hermon
1230 - 1400Lunch Break
SESSION 2:Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics
1400 - 1430Collecting Honey with Love Songs: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Petalangan Honey-Collecting Ritual, Menumbai
Yoonhee Kang
1430 - 1500Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa Satu Bahasa: An Analysis of Indonesia’s Language Policy
Scott Paauw
1500 - 1530Building Corpus of Spoken Bahasa Indonesia for Phonetic and Phonological Research
Diana Stojanovic
1530 - 1600Refreshments
SESSION 3:Malay/Indonesian in Typological Perspective
1600 - 1630Why You Can Drink a Book in Malay/Indonesian (but Not in English)
David Gil
1630 - 1700Indonesian as a Covert Predicate Fronting Language
Lisa Travis
1700 - 1730The Ergativity Continuum: From Tagalog to Bahasa Indonesia, by Way of Malagasy
Ileana Paul
Saturday, April 22, 2006
 Invited Talk
0900 - 0945Malay/Indonesian Syntax from an Austronesian Perspective
Sandy Chung
SESSION 4:Historical Linguistics
0945 - 1015On the Difference between 'Kemudian' and 'Lalu' in Older Malay
Bambang Kaswanti Purwo
1015 - 1045Notes on the Etymology of the Malay-Indonesian Suffix '-kan'
Uri Tadmor
1045 - 1115Refreshments
SESSION 5:Beyond Malay Dialects
1115 - 1145The Perfect Construction and Complexity Drift in Sri Lankan Malay
Peter Slomanson
1145 - 1215Varieties of Address Forms in Minangkabau Community
Yusrita Yanti
1215 - 1345Lunch Break
SESSION 6:Kuching Malay
1345 - 1415The Reflexive and Pronominal System of Kuching Malay
Sachie Kotani, Sean Madigan and Masahiro Yamada
1415 - 1445A Typological Study of Argument-Adjunct Asymmetry in Wh-Questions: How Kuching Malay Compares
Ozge Ozturk, Nadya Pincus, Masahiro Yamada, and Yanti
1445 - 1515The Status of Schwa in Kuching Malay
Karthik Durvasula, Ji-Hyun Jun, Tim McKinnon, and Elanna Tseng
1515 - 1545Refreshments
SESSION 7:Syntax
1545 - 1615The Constructions of Direct Reported Speech in Conversational Indonesian: Verbal Markers and Discourse Practices
Juliana Wijaya
1615 - 1645The Structure of Complex Existential Sentences in Malay
Hiroki Nomoto
1645 - 1715The Indonesian Non-agentive Eventive Construction:
an Analysis of 'ke-an' Verbs

Lanny Hidayat
1900 -Dinner
Sunday, April 23, 2006
 Invited Talk
0900 - 0945Characterizing Madurese Reflexives vis-à-vis Indonesian
William Davies
0945 - 1015Refreshments
SESSION 8:Phonology
1015 - 1045Is Malay nasal substitution phonetically natural?
Alan Lee
1045 - 1115Coda Preservation in Head Feel: Fusion and Other Segmental Processes
Ann Delilkan
SESSION 9:Acquisition
1115 - 1145Cross-Linguistic and Cognitive Factors in the Acquisition of Wh-Questions in an Italian-Indonesian Bilingual Child
Antonia Soriente
1145 - 1215The Acquisition of Wh-Questions amongst Malay Preschool Children
Rogayah A. Razak, Marina Malek, and Fairus Mukhtar
1215 - 1345Lunch Break
SESSION 10:Malay/Indonesian in Comparison
1345 - 1415Crossed Control in Indonesian and Malagasy
Eric Potsdam and Maria Polinsky
1415 - 1445The Structure of Indonesian and Javanese DPs and N-Adj Adjunction
Craig Dressler
1445 - 1515Contact Induced Change: The Varying Effects of Indonesian on Javanese Dialects
Thomas J. Conners
 Invited Talk
1515 - 1600The Role of Malay in the Establishment of Proto-Austronesian Phonology and Vocabulary
John Wolff
1600 - 1615Concluding Remarks
1615 - 1700Refreshments

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Page last modified: 17 Apr 2006, Mandurah, Western Australia