Jakarta Field Station > Events > ISLOJ 4

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The Fourth International Symposium On The Languages Of Java


Overview of Events

Following is an preliminary overview of events before and after ISLOJ, to help plan your trip to Padang.

Wednesday 5 June
Pre-ISLOJ excursion. Tentative plans are to travel by combination of bus and train to Sawahlunto, where a mixed language combining elements of Javanese, Minangkabau and Indonesian is spoken.

Thursday 6 June, Friday 7 June

Friday 7 June, evening
Joint ISLOJ/ISMIL banquet and cultural events

Saturday 8 June, Sunday 9 June

Monday 10 June
Post-ISMIL excursion. Destination to be announced.


 Thursday 6 June 2013
0830-0920 Registration
0900-0930 Opening
0930-1030Ruminations on a Madurese Applicative Morpheme
William Davies
U Iowa
1030-1100 Coffee
 Semantic Relations
1100-1130Associational Semantics and Polity Type: What We can Learn from Javanese
David Gil
1130-1200The Event Semantic Role of the Nasal Prefix in Banyumas Javanese
Thomas Conners
1200-1230The Deminishing Use of Suffix -A in Javanese
Aris Munandar
1230-1330 Lunch
 Sundanese, Proverbs
1330-1400Peribahasa in Sundanese
Asako Shiohara, Furihata Masashi & Oman Fathurahman
Tokyo U of Foreign Studies, UIN JKT
1400-1430Kerata basa and Acronyms in Javanese
Yoshimi Miyake
Akita U
1430-1500Heirarchical Communication in Javanese
Majid Wajdi
State Poly Bali
1500-1530 Coffee
 Outre-mer and Out Group Javanese
1530-1600Chinese Dialects in Javanese Diaspora: Changes in the Speech of the Chinese of Java
Dede Oetomo
U Katolik Widya Madya
1600-1630The Javanese Language in Suriname: Explorations in Language Contact and Change
Kofi Yakpo
U Hong Kong
1630-1700The 'humble auxiliaries ' of Old Japanese: Javanese derivations, context, and significance
Ann Kumar
 Friday 7 June 2013
0830-0900Two classes of auxiliaries in Paciran Javanese: two syntactic domains
Jozina Vander Klok
U Vancuver
0900-0930Toward a unified analysis of crossed control
William Davies, Eri Kurniawan & Ari Natarina
U Iowa
0930-1000Types of yes-no questions in Paciran Javanese
Jozina Vander Klok
U British Columbia
1000-1030 Coffee
 Language Use and Change
1030-1100Developing a Text and Speech Corpus for Sundanese
Eri Kurniawan & Abi Cohn
Cornell, U Iowa
1100-1130Language maintenance, activism, and social media
Yacinta Kurniasih
1130-1200Hybrid Javanese of 'Metronian' in Central Lampung
Meinarni Susilowati
1200-1330 Lunch
1330-1400Leadership Talk in the Indonesian Bureaucracy
Zane Goebel
La Trobe
1400-1430Symbolisms of Life-cycle events in Javanese culture: linguistic expressions depicting rituals and ceremonies in Kebumen
Sri Hartini
U Sebalas Maret
1430-1500Properly Javanese: A Case study of language shift in Central Java
Lauren Zentz
U Houston

Last modified: 29 May 2013, Sydney